Atrio Тридупков смесител за умивалник 1/2″ M-размер
The GROHE Atrio three-hole basin mixer with two lever-handles in stunning Brushed Cool Sunrise – performance and style in an iconic, contemporary mixer that’s built to last
For a mixer that oozes design and craftsmanship, choose this GROHE Atrio tap in a chic and scratch-resistant Brushed Cool Sunrise finish to complete your luxury, contemporary bathroom. Hand-assembled and engineered to offer premium performance and a real feel of luxury, and designed to be wall-mounted, this three-hole tap is ideal for streamlined, minimalist spaces where design values are at a premium. With two tactile lever handles and a projection of 180mm for the spout, this is a comfortable, user-friendly option. Two sets of caps for the handles are included, one with subtle ‘H’ and ‘C’ markings, and one plain set. The tap is also eco-friendly, limiting the water flow to sustainable 5 l/min (at 3 bar) without compromising performance. It's for installation with the matching GROHE concealed body (29025002). GROHE Atrio – the icon of elegance and precision.
- Стенен монтаж
- Външна част към тяло за вграждане
- 29 025 002
- Вентили за топла и студена вода с керамични механизми 1/2", 90°
- GROHE Long-Life finish
- GROHE Water Saving - технология за намаляване разхода на вода
- максимален дебит (при 3 bar): 5 l/min
- Отстояние между външните отвори 200 mm
- Издаденост 180 mm
- С лостови ръкохватки
- without roughing-in set 29 025 002 (please order separately)
Включени два различни комплекта капачета. Един с обозначение "Н" и "С", един без.
Technical Product Information
CAD Data
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